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Visiting a church for the first time can be an interesting experience, and Grantham Baptist Church is no different. Whether you’ve never been to church before, or you are a visitor to our area,  you will always receive a warm welcome.

Thank you for visiting our website.
We’re glad you’re here!

Grantham Baptist Church (GBC) is a church that welcomes the Word of God (the Bible), and the Holy Spirit in all our meetings.

You don’t have to believe to come along and you can come just as you are – there is no formal or expected dress code either! As an expression of our love and worship for God, we seek to teach, understand and follow the whole message of the Bible, and encourage everyone to connect or reconnect with God at whatever stage in life we are, or situations we may be facing. We believe this to be the most vital need for everyone in our world today. Our desire to share this message goes beyond our locality, with a heart for this nation and for others across the world. At the heart of our vision, as our strap line states, we focus on ‘Making Disciples…Transforming Lives…Raising the Spiritual Temperature’. Recently God has spoken to us about new wine needing new wineskins to survive, and the need to step out of the boat or our churchy comfort zones. We encourage you to come and step out with us! We know that God will enable, equip, empower and guide us by the Holy Spirit.

Although our buildings date back a long way, they have been modified to provide both good hospitality and welcoming meeting spaces. We are a friendly, growing church seeking to share the life and good news of Jesus with our community and beyond.

With a membership of over 110 and a morning congregation on Sundays of about 130, we represent a wide age range and mix of people. We have many activities throughout the week reaching out to a wide spectrum of needs and functions. Our office is open most mornings and Friday afternoon to help connect you with all that is going on. We are an enthusiastic church and our Sunday gatherings have an informal contemporary feel, with a mix of modern music alongside some more traditional songs. We encourage open participation by all, where we seek to hear from God and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. Bible teaching is always a key ingredient of our meetings together with an openness for God to speak and move amongst us.

We also provide children’s (JAM) and youth programmes alongside those for adults and acknowledge that all ages are important and very much a part of what makes us who we are in God.

We enjoy excellent relationships with a number of like-minded churches across our town and area with whom we often meet for prayer, celebration and mission to the local communities around us.

So welcome to the Baptist Church in Grantham! This website lists all of our activities, but if you would like to know anything else about us, please do not hesitate to send us an email or give us a call at the office. You are most welcome to join us at any time - it would be great to meet you!



Take your first steps to find answers to those big questions in life, like why are we here? And, what is our purpose in life? You won't regret it!

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